Are testers from Venus and developers from Mars? In an
ACM article titled
An Exploratory Research Study on Interpersonal Conflict between Developers and Testers in Software Development, the authors look at the difference between testers and developers.
As stated in the article, the goal is to better understand the differences between thse two actors in order to produce better software. The authors' call to action is based on two reasons:
- Because of a trend toward more agile software development
, testers are in contact with developers earlier and more often
- Conflict can have negative consequences not only in relation to the end product but also in relation to the job satisfaction of both developers and tester
This paper points to studies that clearly separate testers from developers in terms of their goals:
developers seek to maximize
efficiency while
testers are all about
effectiveness. Developers seek to do get their work done with the least effort while testers seek the highest quality. Those are clearly different goals that can easily create conflict if each group sub-optimizes. Unless upper management reconciles these different goals and helps align them to reach the broader objective of the company, failure may ensue.