If you are planning on testing an iPhone application, here's the matrix you will need to address during your testing:

This matrix does not address the OS version on each device. You will need to add that depending on how backward compatible you want your app to be, e.g. runs on iPhone OS 2.0 and above.
If you don't have all the equipment on this list or just want to have an independent party test your iPhone/iPod touch app, contact Recommended Test Labs. We can test your device in our compatibility lab.
With the taste moment, in the event you generate an iPhone applications dependancy like PhoneGap you might be often been dependent on their own service being available to ensure that you to submit your own iphone app or revise it together with additional features. Ensure drop this particular treating your own software, after all the app is the baby.
Thanks first of all for the useful info.the idea in this article is quite different and innovative please update more.
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