A company called froglogic has announced that it's automated GUI testing tool, Squish, will support the testing of Cocoa Touch based applications on iPhone and iPod Touch devices and simulators. Here's an excerpt from their press release:
Cocoa Touch provides an abstraction layer over iPhone OS, the operating system used by the iPhone and iPod Touch. Cocoa Touch is based on the Cocoa API and toolset used for building software for Mac OS X computers.Based on this press release, it looks like this tool will test apps directly on the an iPhone or iPod touch, although the accompanying picture appears to be running a test on the iPhone simulator. It will be interesting to see how they enable their GUI testing tool on actual iPhone and iPod touch devices.
Squish's distributed network architecture enables tests to be controlled from desktop PCs, or from a server, while the application under test is executed and tested remotely, for example, on other PCs, or on embedded devices, such as the iPhone or iPod Touch.
A prototype of Squish for Cocoa Touch has been completed. A final version of Squish for Cocoa Touch will be included in the upcoming Squish 4.0 release.
You also may want to check out UISpec http://code.google.com/p/uispec/
It's open source too.
Thanks for posting this. It helps in looking for a good testing tool for iPhone.
Thanks for the info, it is very useful. Check also Testomato from http://www.testomato.com
Great Article
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